International Stakeholder Engagement Group

Collaborate~Network~Unified Action.

International Stakeholder Engagement Group

Collaborate~Network~Unified Action

We Bridge Connections and Create Networks

NZBP - A Unique Platform for Collaboration: Practitioners, Academics, Parents & Children

 The NZBP (New Zealand National Bullying Prevention) is an initiative by a community of International Stakeholder Engagement Group (iSEG) whose members are from different fields of practice i.e. Non-Governmental Organisations, education, health, social work, psychology, human rights, employment relations etc. Our leadership is anchored in the belief that everyone has some sphere of influence in the Prevention, Intervention and Postvention of bullying. We are solution focused, dedicated to pursue peace, compassion, break the walls that seem to divide us such as professions, gender, ethinicity, colour, beliefs etc. We connect strangers, provide resources and create opportunities for our members to work together as bullying is becoming a greater concern for the well-being of children and adults. We are One in Many with a shared goal, committed to a unified response and collective action against bullying in Aotearoa and worldwide

Our Mission

To facilitate stakeholder networking platform, Promote and Create coordinated strategies against bullying at workplaces, educational institutions, among children and their families.

Dr Mike Webster

Dr Michael Webster
QC and L&D Director

Dr Sheila Dennis
Training and Resource Director

Mr Bigson Gumbeze
Conference Director

Mr Jason Clark
Strategic Marketing Director

Dr. James Brown

Professor James Brown
Stakeholder Engagement Director

Albert Einstein

“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

Doing nothing is not an option, Together We Make Change

Our Commitment

Solution Focused – beyond bullying
No blame, speak without fear
Share resources – Academics, Practitioners & Legislators
Bridge gaps among professions
Diversity and tolerance
Host annual conferences
Evidence based and Youth informed

Why Collaborate?

The Stakeholder Engagement Group is a unified response and action to escalating incidents of bullying in educational institutions, workplaces and communities.It is our belief that anti-bullying initiatives around New Zealand are fragmented and as a result are ineffective. To be effective there is need for a coordinated strategy, hence the bullying prevention conference. We are committed and dedicated to promote bullying prevention best practices in New Zealand and beyond. The national bullying prevention conference is an annual event being hosted in different regions of New Zealand