We provide top consultants and subject matter experts

Professor Bevan Catley
workplace bullying and workplace violence

John Peachey
Leadership and workplace bullying

Andy Hearn
Psychosocial Risk Management

Dr Sheila Dennis
healing engagement in schools

Dr Mike Webster
Leadership for wellbeing in the workplace

Hadyn Olsen
workplace bullying and harassment

Dr Cara Swit
childhood aggression and bullying,/em>

Dr James R. Brown
bullying prevention in schools

Learn More about each consultant and subject matterexpertsat the bottom of this page

Leadership Training, Workplace wellbeing, Bullying Prevention at Workplaces

Contact Us for a comprehensive Stakeholder Engagement Speakers’ list with specialised subject and abstract

Protect and Prevent bullying among children at schools

Contact Us for a comprehensive Stakeholder Engagement Speakers’ list with specialised subject and abstract

Identify and Stop Intra-Family bullying

Contact Us for a comprehensive Stakeholder Engagement Speakers’ list with specialised subject and abstract

Dr Cara Swit

PhD, senior lecturer in School of Health Sciences, College of Education, Health and Human Development, University of Canterbury

I have expertise in childhood aggression and bullying, PB4L and positive behaviour support interventions, restorative justice approaches, and whānau-centeredculturally-oriented approaches to young children’s challenging behavioursElected committee representative for the International Society for Research on Aggression.
I have worked extensively with playcentres, early childhood centres, kindergartens, and schools/kura to prevent and respond to childhood aggression and bullying using ecological approaches that uphold the mana of tamariki, whānau and kaiako.

Professor Bevan Catley

Associate Head of the School of Management – Massey University,
Board member, Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management and International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment
Facilitator for Diversity Works NZ

Bevan is a Professor of Work and Organisation in the School of Management at Massey University. Bevan is the co-founder of the Healthy Work Group – a multidisciplinary team of researchers interested in psychosocial factors in workplace health and safety. Bevan’s primary research focus is on workplace bullying and workplace violence and he has published extensively on these topics. Beyond Massey, Bevan has served on the boards of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management and the International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment along with a number of community organisations.

Dr Sheila Dennis

PhD, MSW, Senior Lecturer, Indiana University School of Social Work

The central focus of her work is to facilitate healing engagement in school and learning environments by promoting humanistic ways of being that honor the whole person

Andy Hearn

MPhty, GradDipOSH, ICF Certified Coach, Wellbeing, Safety & Performance

My subject matter knowledge has been developed over the past nine years working (in People & Culture
teams) on the frontline of the health and education sectors…both of which are notorious for enabling bullying behaviours.. I have a particular interest in
Psychosocial Risk Management – and the associated importance of developing Leadership capability
(including through a Coaching process) and Psychological Safety at a team level. I consider the basic
building blocks of Psychological Safety (inclusion, learner safety, contributor safety, and challenger
safety) to be the antithesis of bullying. These four steps allow a strengths-based approach which focuses
on learning, innovation and creativity (and just happens to shine a spotlight on bullying behaviours!)

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